Monthly Archives: April, 2012

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20 Reasons Why Everyone Should Eat Hemp! Thumbs up for HEMP!

When you hear the word "hemp," nutrition might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Many people know about hemp rope, paper...

Hemp Seed Oil For Skin Hydration, Improving Elasticity, UV Sun Block…Perfect Anti-Aging Prevention!

// // Hemp Seed Oil delivers healthy benefits to our cosmetic and body care products!!! FACT:  Hemp Seed Oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, balances dry skin,...

Banana Yam Hemp Smoothie

Watcha going to need for this: 1 cup grated yam 1 banana 1 green apple 1/4 tsp nutmeg 1 tbsp raw almond butter 1 tsp vanilla bean ground fine 1/2 tray...

Non Dairy No Soy Milk Alternative… got HEMP?

Try it yourself at home... give a lil hemp lovin milk! xx

What’s Pushing the Sale of Non-Dairy Protein Alternatives? Celiac’s Disease on the rise!! Gluten-Free on consumer demand…Hemp’s phenomenal growth!

got HEMP? Today, consumers associate protein powders and supplements as nutrient sources for healthier living. But about 40 years ago the only concentrated form of...

